Poker Face Parody
i wish i could understand, but it made me laugh though. FMBO

10 Questions for 2010's Hopefuls with Controversial Campaign Strategies
With the 2010 elections just around the corner, all sorts of publicity stunts are bombarding the airwaves, cyberspace and cellsites. Don’t you just wish you could shoot these questions to the perpetrators behind 10 of the most cringe-inducing political gimmicks today?

1. Bayani Fernando
Strategy: Allegedly sends text messages to random people
“May BF ka na ba?” goes the campaign text which may or may not have come from MMDA Chairman Bayani Fernando (otherwise known as the man who turned Manila’s streets pink) himself. Fernando said he wants to run for president in 2010 and even wished on his last birthday in July that his next birthday be in Malacañang. The campaign text ends with, “Sa political will, titino tayo.”
The question: Are you planning to color the whole country pink?
2. Ed Panlilio
Strategy: Says God told him to do it
Priest-turned-Pampanga-Gov. Ed Panlilio says he’s running for president because God has called him to do so. Panlilio is currently on leave from the priesthood as governor of Pampanga. However, he will have to file for formal dispensation from the Catholic Church before he can file for presidential candidacy. He has said that he’d like to return to the priesthood if he loses, but Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz says Panlilio can never return once dispensed.
The question: You do know it’s not nice to use God’s name in vain, right?
3. Gilbert Teodoro
Strategy: Ride the Obama wave
Defense Sec. Gilbert Teodoro wants to do an Obama, reports He launched to use cyberspace for his campaign for presidency. We’re not sure what exactly he means by “do and Obama,” but we know being allied with the administration and asking for Gloria’s blessing can’t be good.
The question: But who are you and what have you done to deserve being elected?
4. Mar Roxas
Strategy: Hijack a pedicab
“Anak itabi mo. Ako na,” Sen. Mar Roxas tells a child pedicab driver in a commercial meant to make him look like one of the masses. Roxas has also starred in a messianic commercial filled with overacting and underacting “real” people supposedly showing how he listens to the public. His most memorable TV appearance entailed shedding actual tears after proposing to broadcaster Korina Sanchez during one of the most shoot-me-now TV shows.
The question: Will you cry in your next TV commercial?
5. Manny Villar
Strategy: Hire Boy Abunda to do a fake interview
In 2007, it was a ridiculous dance. This year, Sen. Manny Villar came out with a dramatic 15-minute interview complete with faraway looks by the window and poor man’s tales. Boy Abunda, who thankfully didn’t bring out his magic mirror, asked, “Umiiyak po ba kayo?” Manny said, “Hindi ako yung umiiyak sa telebisyon.”
6. Ramon “Bong” Revilla
Strategy: Milk a sex scandal for all its worth
Fanning the Hayden Kho flame even more, Sen. Ramon “Bong” Revilla gave a privilege speech on “A Doctor’s Perversity” which led to a senate investigation on the sex videos. He also accompanied Katrina Halili, one of the stars of Kho’s sex videos, when she filed a complaint against Kho at the National Bureau of Investigation. Revilla says he isn’t going to run for president but we all know a certain someone who said the same thing and look how that went.
The question: Don’t you have more important issues to spend the Senate’s time (and money) on?
7. Gloria Arroyo
Strategy: Bash enemies at a state function
“To those who want to be President, this advice: If you really want something done, just do it. Do it hard, do it well. Don’t pussyfoot. Don’t pander. And don’t say bad words in public,” Pres. Gloria Arroyo said in her 2009 State of the Nation Address. It’s a dig at Sen. Roxas, who said p***** i** at a rally against Charter Change, which Arroyo campaigned for. It is unclear whether or not Gloria Arroyo will run for representative for Pampanga’s second district after she will supposedly step down from the presidency in 2010.
The question: Was that last line a dig at another presidentiable?
8. Loren Legarda
Strategy: Bring sexy back at an official state event
Loren Legarda hasn’t said anything definite about running in 2010 but she’s already dressed up for the cameras, er, red carpet. She made heads turn with the plunging, almost-backless and almost-baring-that-other-cleavage fuchsia terno she wore at the last State of the Nation Address.
The question: Have you heard of the style rule, “dress for the occasion”?
9. Joseph “Erap” Estrada
Strategy: Literally run in a TV commercial“Erap, makakatakbo ka pa ba?” asks a jogger in Former President Erap Estrada’s commercial for a brand of herbal anti-arthritis medicine (we kid you not). Erap turns to the side and gives a creepy smile probably supposed to come off as charming. “Bakit hindi?” he answers. Maybe because as former president, he can’t run for reelection? His candidacy might boil down to the Supreme Court decision but it’s interesting to note that he’s the only presidential hopeful that was paid, instead of being the one paying, to star in a commercial.
The question: Do you really think it will be good for the country to have you as president again?
10. Francis “Chiz” Escudero
Strategy: Post supposedly candid family photos in his Facebook page
In this photo from Sen. Chiz Escudero’s Facebook profile, Chiz is oh-so-happily tossing a salad while his wife flashes a huge grin bordering on scary. While in this photo, Chiz’s son Quino looks straight at the camera, ruining the supposed candidness of the photo.
The question: Is a photo of bath time with the kids next?
10 Questions for 2010’s Hopefuls with Controversial Campaign Strategies | Spot.PH
Ecstasy dealer to the stars, nabbed!

A SUSPECTED big-time dealer of the designer drug called “Ecstasy” was arrested by agents of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency in an entrapment operation in Quezon City last Friday, PDEA chair, Senior Undersecretary Dionisio R. Santiago announced yesterday.
Audie Lawrence D. Co,30, a resident of no. 17 V. Kalaw Street, Tierra Pura Homes in Tandang Sora, Q.C. was arrested weeks after he was placed on surveillance by PDEA operatives amid reports he was involved in the sale of the designer drug known “Ecstasy” or “party” drug in high-end clubs in Metro Manila, said Santiago.
Santiago said Co was arrested along the vicinity of City Lifestyle, Timog Avenue corner Tomas Morato, Q.C. 2 p.m. last Friday just shortly after he sold 400 tablets of Ecstasy to a poseur-buyer for P200,000.
The suspect was also found in possession of another 100 tablets of the same designer drug and was charged with sale and possession of dangerous drugs under Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.
The arrest of Co came after two high-profile anti-narcotics operations by the PDEA which resulted in the killing of a notorious member of the Canadian Hell’s Angels Gang, Antonio Kcompt, on Giraffe Street. Green Meadows, Bgy. Ugong Norte in Q.C., and dismissed Senior Insp. Nathaniel Capitanea.
The 37-year-old Kcompt was tagged as an exclusive distributor of Ecstasy capsules in Metro Manila who is also wanted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for fraud and theft, Santiago said.
Santiago said Kcompt, a Canadian citizen of Chinese descent, has been identified by the RCMP as being involved in the trafficking of cocaine and Ecstasy particularly those in capsule form in Canada and even in Manila.
He reportedly is an “asset” of the National Bureau of Investigation, the PDEA chair added.
Last Saturday morning, combined PDEA and Makati City police agents shot dead Capitanea in a firefight in a posh condominium in Rockwell Makati.

Day 10
On this day of your life, Rc, we believe God wants you to know...
... that tonight you can turn your worries to God, and have a good night's sleep.
You've been worrying too much about the future lately. So tonight, go ahead, put your faith in God, and just have a peaceful evening and a restful sleep.

WOTL: Wang Wang Ina Mo!

To my fellow pinoys, guys please, I'm begging on May 2010 Election, please vote wisely, participate in any programme that will open the mind of many Filipinos of what exactly happening in this lovely country. To those who are not yet registered pls make an effort to go to your nearest comelec branch and register. I love Phili Land, we love this country. So, please make the right desicion, ask God for wisdom.
To the Dragons, snake, leopard etc in the government please this time Love our country. Corruption etc, stop it.
To Erap, pls. I'm begging wag ka nang tumakbo, pls.
*WOTL or Word of the Lourd (WOTL) is a segment in TV5's TEN: The Evening News. Show airs from Monday to Friday at 11pm...WOTL is aired during the Monday newscast. :)
Dear Zoe by Philip Beard

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Dear Zoe is a letter, from Tess DeNunzio to her younger sister, who died in a hit-and-run accident on a day when the world’s attention was focused elsewhere, with no grief to spare for Zoe’s death, except in Tess’s family. On September Eleventh, 2001, Zoe died, leaving Tess and her family devastated. It’s certainly something we don’t think about, all the personal tragedies that played out on that day. When you hear the words ‘September Eleventh,’ you see the towers falling or the Pentagon smoking, not the individual deaths of all of those people, related or not to terrorism, on that day.
That’s not what that day means to Tess, though. To fifteen-year-old Tess and her family, it means the loss of her little sister, Zoe. It means their lives are changed forever, in ways the rest of the world (to whom that day may seem life-changing as well) can never imagine. Still, Tess has to find a way to handle it all, to go on with her life, to keep on living even if Zoe can’t.
Philip Beard’s Dear Zoe is a powerful and emotional story about love, grief, growing up, and moving on even when forgetting is impossible. It’s a story about one personal tragedy on a day when everyone else mourns the deaths of thousands of others. In Dear Zoe, Tess is just one of a cast of very real characters; her voice is powerful, and will have the reader’s attention from the beginning to the end, keeping the reader breathless and racing through the book, but still not going too quickly–wouldn’t want to miss something!
Dear Zoe is a powerfully moving, beautifully written story that will haunt readers even after closing the book at the end of the last page. This painfully real, breathtaking novel is sure to be a favorite with all who read it.
Rating: 10/10 (And I’d give it more if I could…Wait, who says I can’t? 20/10!)
View all my reviews >>

Day 9
... that it's time you stopped hiding from life, and said yes to the adventure of being alive.

Day 8
... that nothing is exciting if you know what the outcome is going to be.

Day 7
... that what you don't experience positively, you will experience negatively.

A must-see picture

Last night I met someone, really amazing. I had the nicest dinner I remember in years: very interesting yet light conversation and somehow inspired me to work hard, fight for what I want etc.
Take this image in whicheverway inspires you the most, but let the message in, open your mind, make your own decisions, get things wrong (several times) and learn from it, I'm sure you'll meet great people on your way.

Day 6
... that you've been missing out on delight that God has sent your way.
Insecurities and Imperfections

Day 5
... that there are no accidents.
Day 4
... that you've been skipping out on God's most important gift to man - love.
- thank you Jesus.

Drive Safe. Speed can KILL!

Six Rules for Driving
If you are going to share the road with me, here are some rules that I expect you to know:
Don’t tailgate me.
If you tailgate me, I’ll slow down. Unless you try to pass me, in which case, I might speed up. And if we’re in a no-passing zone, I’ll slow down more. Just. To. Piss. You. Off.
Use your signals.
It’s a shame that you spent $35K on that Mercedes and the signals don’t even work. You should take it back for a refund. If you are about to make a turn or switch lanes, use your freaking turn signal. That’s what they’re for: to warn the other drivers on the road that you’re about to do something
stupid.that they should pay attention to. -
Don’t use your signals.
If the car in front of you is about to turn, don’t use your signals to warn the cars behind you. That’s just dumb. If you aren’t the one making a turn, leave your signal off. If your brake lights work, then we already know that we need to slow down. And by the way, you forgot to turn your signal off five minutes ago, and it’s driving us nuts.
Slow down.
Have you ever sat down with a calculator and tried to figure out just how much time you save by speeding? I have. Unless you are travelling very far, very fast, it’s not likely to save you more than a couple of minutes. Which is worth more to you: the three minutes you saved by trying to zoom past everybody, or the $2500 in body work on your car when you slam into the yahoo who turned in front of you without signalling?
Just do it. If the other drivers value their cars, they’ll make room for you. Quit sitting at the end of the merge lane waiting for a big opening. Maybe you should turn your signal on, so people will understand that you want to change lanes, eh? You’re making the rest of us late for work, and we’re going to have to speed to make up the difference.
Slower Traffic Keep Right
Have you ever seen those signs that say “Slower Traffic Keep Right”? Well, just because you don’t see one right this minute doesn’t make it any less true. If you aren’t in the process of passing somebody right now, get out of the way. But use your signal first.
If everyone will just keep these things in mind, I’m sure we’ll all be a lot happier.

Day 3
... that you are perfect as you are.
-What a beautiful morning.Thank you Jesus for everything.:)
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
It’s a face I want, but I can’t see
A perfect body, a perfect girl
The most beautiful one in all the world
With a loving heart, a pretty smile
She’s got class and she’s got style
She’s got the moves, she’s funny too
What she doesn’t have, I don’t have a clue
‘Cuz she’s got me completely mad for her
But she seems to think that this guy is bad for her
And so he’s sad for her, wants her to be happy
And if she wants, this perfect girl can have me
Your beauty it truly fazes me
In your arms is a place I long to be
I want to be there, my hand in yours
Next to your perfect body, it has no flaws
No flaws, no faults, no imperfections
You’d be the best choice out of the selection
But there’s no comparison, you’re just way better
And now that I’ve met her, I’ll never forget her
If only she’d let me be more than this
And fulfil my longing to kiss her lips
One more time, one turns to two
Two becomes forever and then I’m with you
Clueless, learning, in this cold world
But you warm my heart ‘cuz you’re so beautiful, girl
At first I was hesitant to post this entry because baka hindi nya magustuhan. But after doing my Bubbles Paraiso entry, sabi ko, ok i will post it na( I made this 2 days ago). I often visit her site, i love the music in it. In fact Mark Ronson's Toxic nasa ipod ko na. Before sabi ko I know her, familiar yung face. So, I searched her name, that's it siya si (terya), now I remember her. I seldom watch TV so I'm not updated.
One night while checking my twitter account she posted parang "i think i should update my blog." So i twit back "yeah, you should.:)". At my surprise she twit me back " cool i liked your blog about waiters and restos" I never thought na mag ttwit back sya coz usually my friends and co workers yung kausap ko on twitter. After visiting her site, I immediately put her on my blog roll.

pls listen:♫
- If you want to know more about Nicole Andersson pls. visit her site:

Bubbly Bubbles.
- Lola's b-day celebration @ my Aunt house in Antipolo.
- Victory Christian Fellowship after ( i miss my family in VCF U-BELT) now I'm currently attending at Fort.
- Tapsilog sa Carinderia near UST( 1st time..ang sarap)
- As usual..checking my FB. Twitter and my Blog. (my day is not complete pag di ko ito nagawa.fmbo!)
Okay...I was checking my twits earlier and to my surprise may Blog pala si Bubbles Paraiso (yes, you heard me Ms.Bubbles Paraiso. I follow her on Twitter.) so I immediately visit her site. I enjoyed reading her entries. Her personal thoughts about anything and everything. I love her entry about the Carinderia (Soms ata), I never thought a supermodel like her kakain sa ganun( honestly, masarap talaga minsan sa Ok, after reading almost all of her entries, her first entry was the one that really captured me. So I decided to repost her entry and I hope na Makatulong and Maka Inspire din in a way sa inyo.
Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio "To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written." My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it..
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn't kill you, really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone, everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time, time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come.
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift."

to ms bubbles paraiso: tnx for posting this. And keep on posting entries that will inspire, encourage everyone. And God bless you more and more. For you: Psalm 37:4 (NIV).
- If you want to read her other entries visit:
The Haunting on Sorority Row (Review)

This starts with a full-bore hottie getting into her SUV. I figured she was the star and I was looking forward to seeing a lot more of her, if you catch my drift, but two seconds in she gets wasted by a ghost! Cool, yet weak. Anyway, it's pledge week at her old sorority, and they need it since apparently there's only three actual sisters. The problem is that the sorority hazed some chick to death a while back, and now her ghost is out for revenge. That's always the plot in these movies- isn't this whole "concern for idiots killed during hazing" fad over yet? How about doing something different, like maybe having the ghost out for revenge because some dumb sorority whore gave him the drip? At any rate, the murders are nothing special: one chick coughs up a big piece of string like some stupid housecat, another one gets boiled in the shower*, and the last one gets locked in a coffin and dies of whatever it is about being locked in a coffin that kills you. All in all it's pretty lame. We never even see any of the cute little pledges in their underwear.(just kidding, but seeing Leighton Meester in the movie...okay na ako.he3)
Day 2
... that you can't rid the world of sorrow, but you can choose to live in joy.
New Chris Brown song Leaked!
Another new song from Chris Brown entitled Changed Man has been leaked onto the internet. Supposedly from his upcoming album, Graffiti, this song is almost certainly going to end up being his newest single as the title will appeal to those hoping Beat-Her-Down can rise from the ashes.
We don't happen to agree. Rihanna, close your ears!!!

Day 1
... that doubt is the rust of life.
- just when I needed. Thank God.
My Biggest Weakness

Shocking Pink by Erica Spindler

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Shocking Pink is a beautifully constructed, creative suspense story with snappy dialogue among well-developed characters. I didn't give it a five star rating because it moves too slowly at the beginning and it is often repetitive. As the novel unwound, I began to realize that the repetition was long-time romance author Erica Spindler's way of showing obsession, but I wondered if the same point could have be made more subtly.
How many stories have you read where some horrible event has been witnessed in childhood and the viewer has been forever changed? It happens here, and Spindler's novel explores the impact on the viewers, demonstrating how horror can become a catalyst that profoundly affects the life of the viewer.
It is summertime for 15 year olds Julie, Raven and Andie who live in Thistledown, Missouri. They discover that in an unoccupied home in a nearby neighborhood sexually deviant activities are going on between a Mr. and Mrs. X. -- so named because they are masked with black scarves, employ cuffs, ropes, etc. The teenagers investigate and that means watching every time they can. Their secret observations gradually begin to erode their friendship as each reacts differently to what they are seeing. Eventually Mrs. X is found dead, hanging from a rope in a position the kids had seen before, blindfolded by a black scarf. Her murder remains unsolved.
Julie is the daughter of a religious zealot who has psychologically abused her. From the X's she learns desire. Raven, the daughter of a physically abusive man, learns power from Mr. X. Andie, the daughter of parents who have just split up because her father found someone new, learns compassion.
Fifteen years later, the three best friends are together again in Thistledown. Julie has just returned, her third marriage broken. Raven has a very successful interior design firm. And Andie is a psychiatrist.
One of Andie's abused clients snaps and kills her husband, the mayor. Andie becomes involved in the high profile case and again meets Detective Nick Raphael who had investigated Mrs. X's murder. As a result of the publicity, she starts seeing a new patient, David Sadler.
David, talk, dark, handsome and rich has just returned to Thistledown having spent the last decade in St. Louis. He is seeking treatment for sexually deviant behavior. At the same time Julie starts dating David, Raven is employed to decorate the new homes his firm is building and Andie and Nick are attracted to each other.
Suddenly, all three receive newspaper clippings of the 15 year old murder. Then a black silk scarf appears on Andie's bed, and other acts occur that show someone is watching and taunting them.
To reveal any more of the plot than I have would do a great disservice to author Erica Spindler. Her ingenious twists and turns in a story that features friendship, obsession, sexually deviant behavior and murder will be long remembered by this reviewer.
View all my reviews >>

Good-Bye, Mr. Chips by James Hilton

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Bring some hankies!!!
This book is great for high schoolers and adults. Mr. Chips is a wonderful study in what teaching used to be. Except for corporal punishment, I think he was a wonderful teacher. I loved this book, and, although I read it many years ago, I still have endearing memories. It is very sad in spots, but heartwarming most of the time. Much better than Lost Horizon.
View all my reviews >>
Not Even a Hint: Guarding Your Heart Against Lust by Joshua Harris

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Joshua Harris, best known for writing "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" , tackles the tough subject of lust in his third literary outing. Harris candidly writes about his personal struggles and also recounts stories and insights from others who have written letters to him.
The simplicity of his language and the organized chapter structure make for an easy read. In addition, the fact that he’s done his research is evidenced by the resources he quotes (C.S. Lewis, John Stott, Jerry Bridges and others.. astig tlga!!!!) and the practical advice he offers.
This particular message of hope is directed to everyone — male, female, married or single — who struggles with lust or any habitual sin. One part theology, two parts testimony and a generous dosage of biblical teaching, "Not Even a Hint" provides valuable guidance on the path toward holiness.
View all my reviews >>
Old Landmark in Manila.

I found out na this is The former Agriculture and Finance Buildings and the Agrifina Circle in Rizal Park. WTF, di ko ito nakita, i know rizal park pero di ko ito nakita. I went to one of the universities in Manila and in that 4 years of drooling manila...i never seen this.
While searching for this confusing picture..thank God for, i often use bing than google,mas ok.) eto pla are one of the fabolous projects of our former First Lady Imelda Marcos. Wala na yung landmark na yan...naiwan n lng yung Globe na nasa center and it's currently located near Manila Post Office.
Habang pinagmamasdan ko yung picture,i told to my self sayang di ko naabutan, ang ganda naman nito. Kung inalagaan lang natin yung mga ganitong projects...nakakapanghinayang lang. Nexttime I hope if ever na magkaroon ng ganito sana i preserve ntin...sayang.
Low internet connection..grrh!
Shame on you Jamby Madrigal! by H Appy Feraren
Subtle electioneering IN A FUNERAL?!?! SHAME ON YOU. Do not ride on Cory’s wave to pursue your vested interest. The people who waited in the streets weren’t there to see you! The revolution doesn’t belong to you, phony politician, it belongs to the people. And what makes you think you could get away with such a dirty trick? Cory’s lasting impression of sincerity, humility and honesty is now the benchmark of what leaders are supposed to be. You think people don’t see through you? The respect we have for Cory is not something you acquire with falsity (or through endorsement from Judy Ann Santos) it is earned. How dare you pose as someone offering sympathy to the Aquino family while you think about the votes you’re going to get come election time.
As I waited for the cortege (news networks’ new favourite word) along the South Super Highway, my mom and I bought 2 yellow umbrellas from this street vendor who was also selling nuts. And then as we paid, he pulled out something from his pocket – a yellow beaded bracelet nicely packed in a small clear plastic bag. Upon handing it over to us, he said: “Eto o, bonus para sa inyo.”Of course my mom and I were pleased and were all “awww how sweet.”Until I actually looked at the bracelet and saw a little tag with the name and photo of Jamby Madrigal.
I called out to him and asked, “O bakit may Jamby Madrigal itong bracelet na ito” and when I looked at the vendor for an answer he had already walked away.
Maybe an hour before this incident, I saw her car passing by the growing sea of people. Window open, flashing the L sign and strangely enough, a cameraman in front filming the people. My mom started shouting “Transparencyyyy!” and then I looked at her asking if I could put up my middle finger and my mom looked at me and said I should just shout transparency, accountability or good governance. In other words “BOOOOOOOO!!!!” And then the two of us just started shouting BOO JAMBY!!!
I am utterly disgusted by you, Ms.Madrigal. And to you other filthy politicians, behave yourselves because we are all watching you, even if you’re supposedly Cory’s “favorite” mayor. Genuine democracy is People Power and everything Ninoy and Cory stood for. It also means that now, whenever there’s a phony claiming he or she is there to protect Cory’s legacy, we will be able to speak up and act with the same fearless fervour we had before.
You know sometimes I wish I could march in the government offices with a magical broom that can sweep away all the dirty politicians we have in this country. A giant clean up, but this time not just for the environment but for our government. Haha, imagine if we could really do that? I'm already writing down the names of the people I'd attack first with my magic walis!
So, before you file for candidacy (a bit too late though in this case) think again. Actually, good luck! The people have remembered.

You fought a good fight, Cory!

My Heart Goes to the Aquino Family, we love you dearly, our Former" Mrs. president" Cory.
Here is the poem made by Cory last 2004:
Prayer for a Happy Death.
Almighty God, most merciful Father
You alone know the time
You alone know the hour
You alone know the moment
When I shall breathe my last.
So, remind me each day,
most loving Father
To be the best that I can be.
To be humble, to be kind,
To be patient, to be true.
To embrace what is good,
To reject what is evil,
To adore only You.
When the final moment does come
Let not my loved ones grieve for long.
Let them comfort each other
And let them know
how much happiness
They brought into my life.
Let them pray for me,
As I will continue to pray for them,
Hoping that they will always pray
for each other.
Let them know that they made possible
Whatever good I offered to our world.
And let them realize that our separation
Is just for a short while
As we prepare for our reunion in eternity.
Our Father in heaven,
You alone are my hope.
You alone are my salvation.
Thank you for your unconditional love, Amen.
by: Maria Corazon “Cory” Aquino