'For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.' 1 Corinthians 15: 21-22

Death is the final intruder into human affairs. It comes to all of us. With it's awesome power it calls to a halt human activity, notwithstanding all its significance and pomp, or its folly and fragility. The inevitability of death's knock at our door is usually far from our minds. We are far too busy with life and the things that seem so important. It is only when we are stricken with some illness that we have to face our mortality and begin to evaluate the motives and purpose of our busyness and existence.
Some on contracting a serious illness, are propelled into a frantic search for healing, particularly when conventional medicine has nothing more to offer. Such a search is not inapprppriate for death should be resisted, more so when its intrusion appears to be premature. ( What is unhelpful is the frantic nature of such a search. ) God's healing has certainly come to some but clearly not to others. The significant difference in most cases has not been a lack of faith or prayer. The difference remains shrounded in mystery.
Healing through God's intervention is never a matter of human technique nor it is under human control. Thus the search for healing can be embarked upon but healing can never be demanded nor made certain. It can only be a cry of faith in the face of mystery.
At the same time, there needs to be a recognition that it may well be time to go home. Living in the hope of the resurection, that homecoming need not fill us with fear, and may even be a welcome prospect. In all of this, we need to recognize that our human life is ultimately fragile. We need to accept its limitations and embrace the reality of our own mortality. Then we can cast ourselves upon the grace and promises of God.
- Rest in Peace Patrick Swayze.Too Bad, no more dirty dancing for you but you will be remembered and missed.
- Rest in Peace Mark Reyes. You will be missed especially your Music.
Life in full Stride, Charles Ringma
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