Confessions of A Sunday Morning Christian

      Strobe lights illuminated the room while the DJ played yet another great jam. It was a typical Saturday night. Stumbling teenagers gyrated against one another, beers in hand. I overheard some kid across the room say to his friend, " Doesn't that guy over there have church tomorrow? He's such a hypocrite, just as all Christians are."

Living Two Lives

      There are obstacles in each of our lives that we are forced to face every day. How we deal with those obstacles strongly affects others around us in ways we cannot always see.

      "The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, then walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyles. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." That powerful statement by Brennan Manning should be a challenge to all of us believers.

      When I was in high school, I considered myself a Christian, but I was not really following God- I did what I wanted, when I wanted. I went to church every Sunday with my family, but that was the extent of my relationship with God.

      Though my friends knew I considered myself a Christian, they could not see any difference between themselves and me. I was what some people call a Sunday morning Christian. I would party and drink with my friends on the weekends and then go to church Sunday mornings. I never imagined the extent to which this type of behavior would hinder me in the future.

Ruined Reputation

      During my senior year of high school, I rededicated my life to Christ. I finally realized how wrong I had been before, and I wanted to live in a way that was pleasing to God. I stopped drinking, got involved in youth groups and Bible studies and tried my best to set a good example for others.

      But my witness was ruined before it even started. When I shared with my friends the reasons I stopped drinking, they thought I was trying to act like I was better than they were. They would just respond, "You have no right to tell us that drinking is wrong when you used to drink with us." They thought I was judging them when really I was just trying to love them.

      I never imagined that because of my former behavior, my credibility would be destroyed. It really hurt me, but I had no other choice than to accept it and try to keep living as an example.

      As sad that was for me, it taught me a lot. I am now much more conscious of my actions. I know I have to live consistently with what I claim to believe.

Second Chance

      Because I have stayed strong in following God over the past few years, people have begun to notice. My friends are now starting to see that my relationship with God is real. Some of them have asked to talk to me about my faith. One friend even gave her life to Christ as a result of our discussions. I never would have thought that I could have a part in something like that.

      It is amazing the ways God works in our lives. He wants us to be examples of him. We can affect so many people's lives just by living out what we believe.
      Always be aware of your actions. Do not be the reason that someone else does not know Jesus. But remember that even if you do mess up, God will forgive you if you ask. He can still use you in unimaginable ways to further his kingdom.


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