Jacko, you're gone but not forgotten.
My visual personality
Appreciating what you have in life, you volunteer your time to help others. You don't hesitate to sign up for charity events, people can count on you.
Your Intellectual Type
Checking out an art gallery or concert is your idea of a good time. Friends turn to you when they want to know what's going on in town.
Your Physical Type
Sunny days are not lost on you. If you get the chance, you hit the beach or the mountains to enjoy the fresh air.
How passionate am I?
You mix passion with pragmatism
Key Traits: open, sensitive, balanced, empathetic, loyal, thoughtful Introspective and self-aware, you have a solid grip on your emotions. Your friends and family consider you "the rock" they can turn to and lean on during tough times. Part of that trust comes from the fact that you always try your best to say what you mean and mean what you say. This is part of your healthy outlook on life, love and work. Hard work is important, but remember to listen to your instinct when it tells you to take a step back and enjoy the quiet moments. There are certain things that you will always be passionate about, whether it's a certain cuisine, a type of music, or a particular sport. On the flipside, there are also things that will never interest you. But that's OK. Your romantic partner appreciates your unwavering sensibility, your balanced temperament, and consistent signs of love and care.
Are you a player?
My Quiz result:
The High Roller
Passionate and tricky, you are the Joker in the deck of life. Your success often resembles a roller coaster ride and relies a lot on luck. You're great at recognizing opportunity and acting on it quickly. While your luck may vary, no one is surprised to see you hit it big. Be sure to not let your ambition get the best of you, "going big or going home" is not your only option.
Pranz eto na!!
April 12
3:47 a.m
Rc: duder, bashin q sau ung gnw skn n description ng church leader q ( Algie Magpayo )
Franz: ok
Rc: ( So, bns q s knya )
Franz: u knw wat dut .. mas ok if u post n
So Fanz.. eto n un hahahaha….:::::
Sincerity and loyalty, two virtues that build a man with strong character. Words that seems so common yet can’t hardly find to our youth nowadays. But one man I know knows exactly how to demonstrate it in his life. A man who lives with genuine sincerity when dealing with his family and friends. When he offers friendship, he basically meant offering his care and life to help you in all ways he could. And as long as you stay close to him, you can rest assured that he will remain true and loyal to you, one thing that no ordinary man can do. And I am really blessed and privileged to be one of those who receive one-of-a-kind friendship from this guy.
Now, as he run in this race called life, his great faith in God, along with passion and compassion for the people will bring him places where God planned him to be, fulfilling the great destiny stored for him and enjoying the blessings and grace that’s readily available to him always. May his heart remains close to God’s will and be a man of purpose, a man of direction and a man of Faith.
- tnx to algie n sbrng skit ng ulo skin.. everytime n mag-uusap kmi.. hehehe…
I scored 42 on Dr. Phil's personality test
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who will always cheer them up and help them out.
I am 31% spoiled.
You appreciate each gift you're given - and you don't dwell on what you "deserve" to have.
What my birthday means.
You are always curious and responsive to changes. Routine life is not the way you choose to live. Traveling is your favorite hobby because excitement is what you are after. Your Love, You will not stand being around the one you dislike. Your love comes and goes quickly. You can be deeply in love but soon after you will be looking around for the next one.
Harsh words...breaks no bones.
Anger is a condition in which
The tongue works faster than the mind ..
You can't change the past,
but you can ruin the present
By worrying over the future !
Love...and you shall be loved.
God always gives His best to those
who leave the choice with Him.
All people smile in the same language.
Everyone needs to be loved...
especially when they do not deserve it.
The real measure of a man's wealth
is what he has invested in eternity.
Laughter is God's sunshine.
Everyone has beauty
but not everyone sees it.
It's important for parents to live
the same things they teach.
Thank God for what you have,
TRUST GOD for what you need.
If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow,
you have no today to be thankful for.
Man looks at outward appearance
but the Lord looks within.
The choice you make today
will affect tomorrow.
Take time to laugh, for it is
the music of the soul.
Patience is the ability to idle your motor
when you feel like stripping your gears.
Love is strengthened by working
through conflicts together.
Harsh words break no bones
but they do break hearts..
To get out of a difficulty,
one usually must go through it.
We take for granted the things
that we should be giving thanks for.
Love is the only thing that can be
divided without being diminished.
Happiness is enhanced by others
but does not depend upon others.
For every minute you are angry with someone,
you lose 60 seconds of happiness
that you can never get back.
Do what you can, for who you can,
with what you have, and where you are.
I don't wanna die tonight
'Cause the only one I ever cared about is nowhere to be found
I don't wanna close my eyes 'cause I might not see the light of day
I'm almost out of air
You're my reason for breathing
You're my reason for breathing
I don't wanna go clubbing, I got no one to dance with me
I don't wanna go shopping, I got no one to spend my money on
Spending my time with one glass of wine
Playing solitaire just to ease my mind
Poured one for you, but I drank that too
Anything to kill the pain of losing you
So I'm reaching out on this distant line
Hoping deep inside your heart's gonna find a reason
To keep me breathing
But I'm lost in this pain and I don't have much time
I'm so tired of walking this same old line
So I'm taking my pride, gonna throw it aside
Please let me breathe
Never say Goodbye
To find out what a first time love could mean
A little scared, but it's cool
Cause it's worth it
Now I finally fell in love
And I know that it
Gots to be for real
It's the way that I feel
So come share my world with me
So there will never be
No more lonely
No more just me
I've been there before
Ain't going no more
And now that you're here
I never wanna say goodbye love
Never wanna be without you
No more crying
No denying
I'm in love with you
And now that you're here
I never want to say goodbye love
Now I'm standing here
Arms open wide
Ready to give my heart
I'm sure this time
Love's gonna last for life
I know things change
And that life needs some rain
But the clouds are gonna clear
And the sun is gonna shine again
Shine light on our love
So let's make this last forever
"Don't waste your time on someone who doesn't appreciate you the way you should be.. Appriciated.."
Don't ever settle for mediocrity,
for being just an option,
for being the one who's always there desperately waiting,
for mere concern or pity
or for someone who likes you just because he knows he's got the power to break you...
Don't seetle coz deep down, u know who you are and you know without a doubt that you deserve better if not the BEST!!!
My biblical name raw
You will live to see the end of times.
Onli grt minds cn rid dis.?
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a
sgtrane mnid too
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out
of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod
aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was
rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the
hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch
at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't
mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a
wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is
taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in
the rghit pclae. The rset can be a
taotl mses and you can sitll raed it
whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the
huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter
by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can
raed tihs forwrad it
Default Setting.
Some dear friends of mine are experiencing tests and trials right now. So I called to offer support and encouragement. But what I find is that they know the Savior who brought them into these trials will deliver them from/through them. There is no hesitation, no doubt, no questions...only confidence in God. You see, over time they have developed a deep relationship with Him. They have sought Him with all of their heart. So when the report from the enemy came, they "defaulted" to the promises of God. Scripture that they have hidden away are now in the forefront of their minds. How wonderful it is to know that we can "default" to Jesus! He is our "original setting."
Lord, help me to "default" to Jesus in all I say and do.
Music makes the world go round!
Many don't really understand the concept of gospel music. To some, its just some routine music while to some to many its just another genre of music. Many times this is what informs the choice of singers to do or not to do gospel music. How far from the truth can you get?
Gospel music is the life of God reflected through the word of God in the form of music which is a deep expression of life. Music makes the soul merry. it can also make the soul dreary but not gospel music.
Gospel music comes with a message of hope for that change that every man feels is needed in his life. Hope that ordinarily may never be found elsewhere. Gospel music goes beyond the tune, tempo, style, melody and any such thing; rather it's a deep communication from the Spirit of God. It's a life giving music. However note that the manner in which it is rendered also matters. For it to be accepted and done properly, it must be done in spirit and in truth.
In spirit and in truth; well used words, yet highly under-rated whereas it's actually the key to living a victorious life. As you worship in spirit and in truth, he's with you, in you and all around you for God's attracted to this kind of environment
The value of praying for another
When there are times that you are in need of prayer. It is comforting to be able to go directly to the One we pray too. But the earthly friends that take the time out of their day to stop & pray with you/for you is a rare person. Most people just say "yes I will pray for you." Then never do.
What a privilege we have to go before our Lord to pray for someone else!
Prayer is effective. It is a source of great strength when we use it! We are blessed to take our friends needs before the throne of God.
Thank You Lord for giving me the friend who stops their day to pray with me/for me. That I can go to my friend and not be afraid to ask them to pray for me. Thank for the gift of a Christian friend
The process of cleaning my room.
As I was changing my sheets on my bed when this came to my mind... I am not only in the process of cleaning my room in the physical sense but also my room in the mental sense. God is on a misson to clean my mind. To get out all the, junk, dust, dirt, and old "food" from my brain.
Cleaning my room isn't the easiest task. I can do just a basic cleaning and make it look nice, but there are still dust bunnies under my bed, dust hear and there, and secrets in my closet. My mind is the same way. There are places where I haven't allowed God to go and cleanse. Today, I am letting God go where I dared not let Him. JUst as I am going to a place in my room where I dared not go before.
It also takes lots of time to finally be done cleaning my room. I might not be done today, and I know it will take God time to cleanse my mind to complete purity, and it probably won't be till heaven when I am completely pure and perfect in His sight. But He loves us enough to take His time to cleanse us so we can further His kingdom better.
I am setting sail and I am ready, whatever coarse God sets me on to be purified for Him and to His glory!
Killing my FLESH!!!
Jesus warned His diciples "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." [Matthew 26:41] We need to be on the look out for things that might cause our minds to stumble and we need to be in constant prayer.
God has also shown me how I need to crucify my flesh and leave it at the cross and not carry around this bagadge like I do. Along with my fleshly desires that I carry around, I carry around old sin and past things that I have done. I look back and can't believe how wretched I was, how wrongly I thought and such. I just focus on those things instead of moving on to do His will.
"For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin. 7 For he who has died has been freed from sin. 8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, 9 knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead, dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him. 10 For the death that He died, He died to sin once for all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11 Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord." [Romans 6:5-11]
Those things are gone, dead, nailed to the cross. I am alive in Christ righteousness now.
Once we are forgiven..all of our sin is gone, Christ blood washes white as snow and we are pure in His sight. What good does it do to focus on old sin, and our fleshly desires??? It only causes us to fall back. We are free from that bondage and free to do God's will and follow His calling.
Killing my flesh involves moving on from those old sin because my flesh wants to dwell on those things. Killing my flesh means dying to myself so I cna serve others. Killing my flesh means living in Christ righteousness and love. With Christ help I can kill me flesh so I can live for Him and not myself. Do things for Him and not myself.
About self control
i need more time to study, but simply i am distracted by so many things that not worth my attention. you know what i mean? How can i get in to the mood quickly and thoroughly? i've prayed for this for so many times, but it seems that it's so hard to change. i mean, God made me this way, this is like my personality which is deep in my blood, how can i possibly change? i know i should have the perspective of doing everything for Him, but still, hard.
i feel like i'm so messed up because i am a person who tend to pursue perfection. kind of obsess to it...but the thing is, i cant be good in doing things. so i always feel like i'm a loser. it's not good at all.
i know God is capable of changing my heart, i've experienced it. so i guess the very right thing to do is just give all my concerns to Him, ask Him to take care of me, to change my heart, to take my burden. i would appreciate if you could just give me a little short prayer when you are reading this, thx!
name meaning..try ko nga.
for the benefit of others ang real name ko ay Roland Christopher Monteverde Buenaventura... hehehe....
Famed land "Teutonic"
You are both a visionary and a realist able to bring your dreams into a tangible form. Pioneering and ambitious you accept new challenges and the responsibilities which go with them willingly. Your sound judgement, resourcefulness and positive nature means that your progress in life is assured. Certainly your kindness and generosity to others and your inspirational manner attract success as well as many admirers.
Bearing Christ "Greek"
You are honest, hardworking and tenacious with a practical approach to life. Being independent and with the ability to accept responsibilities the worldly success which you achieve is a result of your own efforts. Balanced emotions and forward planning mean that you are rarely ruffled by circumstances. You have creative flair which might find an outlet through art or in social projects
Open invitation to laugh
Chat was fun this morning. Its always fun to kick around with people who have, in all respects, become some of my very best friends. Sometimes we are just silly; sometimes we discuss Scripture, other times we pray together. We work through daily troubles together. We push each other along when the mountain seems steep. One thing is certain, we are friends...no...we are so much more than that!
There are those here on encm that I have come to have a deep respect for..those who's opinions and wisdom have gotten me through rough days. Ideas shared that really make me think. Points of view I never considered. Sometimes, though, its just good to share laughs. Lord knows, the world is easier to handle if you have laughter in your heart.
This morning I was thinking about how similar we all are- "we just regular folks". Each of us with a common thread..families, husbands, wives, jobs, bills, etc. Ordinary people.. doing extraordinary things. We are scattered all over the world, yet family. When someone shares that they stumbled, or is having difficulty or is struggling..there are no questions asked, no blame, we simply lift it up to God together. I think God must smile over the sort of love we have for one another.
So thank you to each of you.. Thank you GB for feeding the cat..and for being the best brother a sister could ever have. Thanks John for following an idea through..for creating a light in the deep dark web. This place is like home when Im not at home. It makes the day bearable. You guys are awesome!
Let me invite you to ENCM. Come get to know us...we arent exactly "normal", but guraranteed to make you laugh! Let us climb the mountain with you. We want to high five you when things go right. We'll give you "the look" when you're out of line. God has blessed us with a great xtian community. We invite each of you to pop in anytime and meet the rest of your family!
Abortion...so sad!
Hey everyone!
I got an email from a friend of mine the other day and I thought I would post it here. It was very touching and it made me want to cry. It's terrible to think that people will kill their babies through an abortion. Here's what the email said:
Month one
MOMMY I am only 4 inches long but I have all my organs. I love the sound of your voice. The sound of your heart beat is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two
Mommy today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me you could definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though. It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three
you know what Mommy I'm a boy!! I hope that makes you happy. I always want you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad too and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.
Month Four
Mommy my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine but I will have a lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month Five
you went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?
Month Six
I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless. Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it? It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy! HELP me!
Month Seven
Mommy I am ok. I am in Jesus' arms. He is holding me. He told me about abortion. Why didn't you want me Mommy?
Every Abortion Is Just . . . One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never run. One more mouth that will never speak. If you're against abortion, send it on.
This email really makes me think about things. I don't know if babies really know all of what's going on inside the womb (I'm sure they know sort of what's happening but probably don't understand everything like this). I do know that they know what's going on when they die and are in Jesus' arms. They do go to heaven, and Jesus probably tells them what happened (maybe, I'm just guessing). What are they suppossed to think when they hear that their mother went through a process to kill them. It's terrible to think about mother's killing their babies after doctors tell them that the baby is not human, it is just a fetus. How can the doctors live with themselves after killing so many babies? Why does the government allow abortions to happen? It breaks my heart to think of all the millions of babies that are killed and never got a chance to live outside of the womb.
Closed doors
It really amazes me how the things that used to send me scurrrying into my bitter shell seems to liberate me even more. Hopes that never came to pass-- an application turned down, , a DIET that doesn't work (and weight that was never lost) or a seemingly special someone getting married... closed doors.
I guess knowing the good Heavenly Father makes bittereness impossible. How could a good Father hold back something good from His child?
Now I feel like a closed door is more of a wonderful favor from a caring Dad who doesn't want you to go wasting your time staring at the wrong door for too long; who doesn't want you to settle for less than the perfect one He wills for you.
Seeing it that way, it still stings a bit, but it makes me feel so much better.
Much better than ice cream.
Remember God loves you this much.
What sets Christians apart is the fact, we know a little bit of the love, God has for us all. We know about one of the most famous verses in the Bible. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."--John 3:16. Let's meditate on the depth of this verse and others like it.
Nothing can surpass God's love. Satan's hate doesn't even come close! So, keep in mind of what His Son had to endure. First, Jesus left a perfect heaven with a perfect body to come down to a sin-filled earth in an imperfect human body that feels as much pain as ours do now. While on earth, He had to endure persecution, ridicule, torture, abandonment, and later, death, so He can fulfill God's love for us. Imagine that! He had the power to call down legions of angels to protect Him. He could have had the Romans who tortured and killed him, killed themselves by any kind of supernatural event. He had the power to just go to heaven and forget about it. However, he did not. Instead, He knew and in His heart wanted to do what His Heavenly Father wanted Him to do. Remember, when feeling alone and out of touch, that the Lord will NEVER abandon us.
Also, keep in mind, that when feeling bad, with each passing day, hour, minute, and yes, even second, we're that much closer to spending eternity with God. If that's not encouragement enough, then I don't know what is!
end of friendship...
This whole thing has felt horrible, but I also realize we are in two very different places. I will follow the Lord to the ends of the earth, and she's not quite there and there's a strong possibility she may never be there. I do want my friendships to honor God and maybe this one just doesn't. . My faith carries me through all of this and I do know there's a reason for everything. It's just that this person has been my closest friend for 2 years and so it's a little heartbreaking.
Need to transfer more
So far, so good. I love the results.
To you my mom
My dear mother,
I swear I thought of writing you a letter, but then I gave up. Not because you don’t deserve it, but because what I have to tell you could be said less formally, where you wont have to be wasting your time reading this and can relax, and enjoy this Sunday.
Today you have to enjoy and relax: forget work, forget pans, forget the fighting, forget the world. We can have lunch somewhere, dinner somewhere, do anything you want, and if you don’t want to do anything at all, if you want to sit in front of the television and relax, great, because today is your day.
Anyway, feel free to do whatever you want, and to ask us for anything, because today we want you to feel like you’re in paradise, without regretting for anything, or feeling bad because of some argument, or even feeling bad because you haven’t done what you wanted. This way, "if you need me, just whistle!" (like Humphrey Bogart said, isn’t he from your old times?)
So, I didn’t want to take up to much of your time in your relax-Sunday, I gave up writing the letter and wrote you this quick note, to simply say, I love you and you’re the coolest mom on the planet!
Kisses from,
By all means... MARRY!
> >> I recently read that love
> >> is
> >> entirely a matter of chemistry.
> >> That must be
> >> why,
> >> my wife treats me like toxic waste.
> >> David Bissonette.
> >>
> >> When a man steals your wife,
> >> there is no better revenge
> >> than to let him keep her.
> >> Sacha Guitry .
> >>
> >> After marriage,
> >> husband and wife become two sides of a coin;
> >> they just can't face each other,
> >> but, still they stay together.
> >> Hemant Joshi.
> >>
> >> By all means marry.
> >> If you get a good wife,
> >> you'll be happy.
> >> If you get a bad one,
> >> you'll become a philosopher.
> >> Socrates.
> >>
> >> Woman inspires us to great things,
> >> and prevents us from achieving them.
> >> Dumas.
> >>
> >> The great question...
> >> which
> >> I have not been able to answer...
> >> is,
> >> "What does a woman want?
> >> Sigmund Freud.
> >>
> >> I had some words with my wife,
> >> and
> >> she had some paragraphs with me.
> >> Anonymous.
> >>
> >> "Some people ask the secret of our long marriage.
> >> We take time to go to a restaurant twice a week.
> >> A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing.
> >> She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays."
> >> Henry Youngman.
> >>
> >> "I don't worry about terrorism.
> >> I was married for two years."
> >> Sam Kinison.
> >>
> >> "There's a way of transferring funds
> >> that is even faster than electronic banking.
> >> It's called marriage."
> >> James Holt McGavran.
> >>
> >> " I've had bad luck with both my wives.
> >> The first one left me
> >> and
> >> the second one didn't."
> >> Patrick Murray.
> >>
> >> Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming:
> >> 1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
> >> 2. Whenever you're right, shut up.
> >> Nash.
> >>
> >> The most effective way
> >> to remember
> >> your wife's birthday is
> >> to forget it once...
> >> Anonymous.
> >>
> >> You know what I did before I married?
> >> Anything I wanted to.
> >> Henny Youngman.
> >>
> >> My wife and I were happy for twenty years.
> >> Then we met.
> >> Rodney Dangerfield.
> >>
> >> A good wife
> >> always forgives
> >> her husband
> >> when she's wrong.
> >> Milton Berle.
> >>
> >> Marriage
> >> is
> >> the only war where
> >> one
> >> sleeps with the enemy.
> >> Anonymous .
> >>
> >> A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds:
> >> "Wife wanted".
> >> Next day he received a hundred letters.
> >> They all said the same thing:
> >> "You can have mine."
> >> Anonymous.
> >>
> >> First Guy (proudly):
> >> "My wife's an angel!"
> >> Second Guy
> >> "You're lucky, mine's still alive."
Unbelievable pics, isn't it?
His Crocodile
His Sleeping Cat
Expressing His Love
A Teddy Bear
and One of His Angel..
His Hands???
Did you know?
- the Largest Meteorite crater in the world is 4,150 feet wide and 150 feet deep. it' in Arizona, USA
- Armadillos spend about 80% of their lives asleep. guess they dont drink coffee!!
- an average person's vocabulary is made up of 5,000 to 6,000 words.
- 88% of emails are junk mails
- researchers believes that an octopus changes color to indicate its emotional state.
- the largest insect ever lived about 250 million years ago- it was dragonfly with a wingspan of about 30 inches!
- an ear of corn has an average of about 800 kernels.
- the first woman to run for president of the united states was Victoria Woodhull in 1872
- they make beers from bananas in Eastern Africa
- The state motto of California, USA is " EUREKA "
- the atlantic ocean is saltier than the pacific ocean
- Penguins need to keep warm, too! But since they dont wear clothes, they do it by staying close together and taking turns standing inside the groups circle!
Life as it continues
I don't think I will change the core of how I am. But sometimes, i just would try to not care so much. Maybe people learn faster from falling, and the harder they fall, the stronger the lesson sticks in their heads. I have been "responsible for" her for two years: how do I just watch her and say nothing? How do I even act angry when she comes back to say she is sorry? The core of me says I can't. I can't I can't I can't. And it is annoying because I wish I were a bit more capable of not caring.
Thanks for being my father
So I got up in the morning and started praising God with worship songs. I got out of school and did the same thing walking to the jeepney. I just hummed Christian tunes as I strolled down the street.
And I decided it's time for a list of things to be grateful to God for.
1. I'm saved. I don't know how I ever lived my life without God. There was no hope, but now I'm found and God is setting me free.
2. For my country Philipines. I love Pinas. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. Philippines will always be my home.
3. I have a few normal aches and pains from ageing but all in all I'm fairly healthy.
4. I have a great team at church. They are people I can rely on, and a straight up leader who respects me.(Ate Eds;Algie;kuya jay; kuya Rodnel;megan;kuya william;kuya paul;ate leah etc.)
6. For returning my tithe in multiples.
7. For all the people who have prayed for me. There have been a lot.
8. For answering prayers.
9. For letting me know my life has purpose and direction and that I am loved.
For being my heavenly Father and never giving up on me. All glory and honour to God!
Isn't worth it.
The DEVIL sneaks in
... the reason I can face tommorow...
I'm just a real brother trying hard to keep it real with HIM, you know who.., yeah, my maker, the reason why i live, the reason I can face tomorrow. I'm still young, but I have been through somethings, and after everything I come to conclude, my life can only meaning to anybody,in His hands, I am so afraid to run the show of my life by myself, because I know that the result is a guarranteed 101% failure.
Therefore , each day I try to see things the way He wants me to see them, no matter how trivial the situation may look like. I love Him, but at the end I feel so unworthy, because He loved me first, and I feel like there is nothing I can do to love Him back the way He has loved me, but I know just like David said in one of his psalms, I've got a good thing going with Him,and I am not letting go. I love you Jesus.
You can spend your time, waste your time, or invest your time. It's your choice.
We all have exactly 24 hours in one day. No more; no less. You will use that time on what you consider to be important No one else is forcing you to do anything.
You only commit to things because you choose to; so, your schedule reveals your priorities. Examine your schedule, and you might be surprised when you discover what your priorities turn out to be. Instead of scheduling your priorities around your life, you ought to schedule your life around your priorities.
What should those priorities be? In Matthew 6:33, Jesus says, "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" Of the Ten Commandments, the very first commandment God gave was: "You shall have no other gods before me" The Bible is clear: God should be our number one most important priority.
in John 15:1-4, Jesus talks about pruning off things that produce no fruit. That is, he tells us to cut off anything that does not have meaningful, eternal value, which means that we are to get rid of anything that doesn't further our relationship with God. Clearly, God doesn't want to be number ten on a list of top ten priorities. In fact, God really doesn't even want to be number one on a list of ten; God wants to be number one on a list of one! You could spend or waste your time doing meaningless things; or you could invest your time in order to achieve maximum eternal impact.
When you seek God as the only thing you need, he will take care of everything else , we learn the story of Mary and Martha. As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. That's what it means to seek the only meaningful, eternal thing -- God. Therefore, prune your life.
List practical ways that you can cut out the junk in your life in order to focus on knowing God better, seeking him and knowing his word and his truth. That's the only thing needed -- that's how you invest your time wisely.
Nothing steals your joy like thinking " I will enjoy my life when..."
All those things we want actually make us miserable; we fight and quarrel about what we want, and then we're upset when we don't get it. Don't get caught up in things that you want or need. Instead, you should not worry about getting what you need; rest assured your heavenly Father will take care of what you need.
It's foolish to make your enjoyment of life hinge upon anything. There will always be one more thing for you to acquire before you can "enjoy life." The more you have, the more you have to worry about, which makes life that much harder to enjoy.Instead of expecting possessions or circumstances to give you joy, seek the only source of everlasting joy Jesus.
Jesus says he came to Earth so that [you] may have the full measure of my joy within Similarly, Jesus said, I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.
Jesus offers to make our joy complete and to give us the full measure of his joy. Since Jesus is wholly God, His joy is complete and whole joy. That Jesus offers us such joy is astonishing.
Therefore, find your joy in God for in his presence is fullness of joy. Don't let your joy depend on getting all the things you want because there will always be more things that you don't have, and therefore there will always be more things that will prevent you from enjoying life. Let Jesus be your joy, rather than waiting to enjoy life "when...."
Time is the price you must pay for intimacy with God
One of the most valuable things that a person could possibly have is an intimate relationship with God. That same God who is big enough and powerful enough to create the whole universe is also small enough and caring enough to desire a personal relationship with you--a relationship that will last for eternity. Of course, such an intimate friendship won't happen by chance. Your relationship with your best friend didn't come overnight, and your relationship with God is no different. It requires time There is a principle that can be seen both in the Bible and in the world, which basically states that you reap what you sow . However, you can't expect to reap a harvest on seeds you've never sown. In other words, you can't expect to know God well if you don't invest significant amounts of time and energy into the relationship.Therefore, it is very important how you use your time. No wonder Paul, in Ephesians 5:15-16 wrote this: Be very careful, then, how you live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil Here, Paul is encouraging us to use our time wisely--that is, to make the most of it The way to make the most of your time is to invest it into something of great value that lasts forever--an intimate relationship with God. practical tip that I have found to be true in my own life is this: Reserve a specific slot each day to spend time with God. Don't do anything else during that time; make it your time specifically for you and God. You can't use the excuse, "I'll read my Bible and spend time with God, as soon as I can find some time." You will never time! You must make time. Therefore, reserve time for God, remembering that time is the price you must pay for intimacy with God
Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken.
Someday, Someone’s gonna love me
The way I wanted you to need me
Someday, Someone’s gonna take your place
One day I’ll forget about you
Someday, Someday…
Naka-relate ka ba? As far as I know everyone who experienced love suffered this infection called “brokenisitis heartedsis” and some got over it very fast but there are others who need a long time medication. There is a lot of lovesongs written over this topic and still no one could describe how painful, miserable and devastating a break-up could be. We ask ourselves “Why?”, “Where did I go wrong?”, “Hanggang dito na lang ba tayo…?”, “Baka pwede pa…?” But whatever the case there’s no easy way to break somebody’s heart so please break it to me gently ang drama natin sa buhay. The thought of waking up one day knowing he or she won’t be there anymore makes you think wala ng rason para mabuhay pa. How terrible, unforgiving life could be…
Did you know that ever since the world begun there is one person whose heart was broken, pounded, ignored, denied, laught at, spit upon, tore into million pieces name it He suffered the most horrible heart condition any of us can fathom. He is so familiar with what your feeling that He doesn’t want you to experienced all those. That’s the reason He was hung on the cross, He die so we might live. Same thing with us He is giving us an instruction to WAIT our heart is precious to Him. So if you think no one could understand or relate to your heart problem MERON, it’s not the end of the world yet everyday is a new hope, you could tell God everything. He creates and authored love it’s not the horoscope, tv personalities, dr. love or kung sino pa man God knows.
Jesus example
March 26, 2007
At the time i turned twenty one years old, and had been literally transformed into a new creature by God, through Jesus Christ my savior, I had a very hard time with other people. My tollerance for other people was very low, but not like how you might think about it.
The last transformation that took place I was sitting on the couch, and i had friends in the room with me. My mind shut down, and everything went black as though i was passing out. I went dead into nothingness but didnt fall over, I just sat there for a few seconds frozen stiff according to everyone in the room. As my mind came back up, and as though the blood rushed back into my head i could feel the tingling around my head as if i were wearing a top hat, and the words came to me from God with a firm voice with athority but yet gentle. He said ” You are free to marry anyone you choose”. I looked at everyone in the room, and they looked back as if to ask what had happened, and i tole them that God just spoke to me, and what he had just said. So i figured i would grab my new testement i just bought which was of a greek translation and written in modern english and look it up.
After looking for about ten minutes i found it, and it said “You are free to marry anyone you choose, even him who is in heaven.” I always found it funny that God knew what books i had and what i was reading, and to prove it was him would use scripture i hadnt yet read.
I wasnt really sure what exactley he meant by this, kind of like the visions they need to be sought out. I have never known God to help anyone outright at face value for what he says or shows, and am a little sceptical of anyone who says he does. It took me many many years of looking before i discovered the meaning, as God helps me to help myself so i will adjust myself to him, and then he can help me.
Often times people will just think the obvious about the messages they get from God because often times it pertains to something that is going on in their life, but they dont realize there is a mission in it, that goes on and on and needs to be found. At the time i wanted to get married, and thought i had someone who cared about me. But more time than not other dont care like you would want them to. My problem was thinking that i would be cared about if i cared for others. I had always placed God first, and cared more for him than anyone because he was always there for me when no one else was.
As what says in 2corinthians about trasformation is very real as some people like myself are transformed and become very different from everyone else. This passege litterally talks about conversion as if a person where changing Church’s or joining one. That area within the bible compairs the old testement of law which became blame instead of a way to bless others because people didnt want to do it, and when cought they blamed others for what they were doing which was often times the same things they were doing. This is our everyday life with ridiculing behaivor to control us and how we act. Jesus came to complete the law which people didnt understand was meant by God to be a blessing, and took Jesus to help. What was written on stone made people hearts hard against God, but with Jesus this is taken away and a better understanding of what God meant comes. Litterally with some people the transformations or personal experiences with the Lord Jesus Christ writes this not on stone, but on the heart. What people dont seem to understand is that the bible is also a written letter and also hardens the hearts of people. It takes the personal relationship with Jesus to understand the bible and how it was meant to be read. So its a learning experience with lifes trials and the willingness to do what God wants that makes the understanding of scripture complet. This is transformation, and no different than Jesus in a cloud with Elijah and Moses.
After my first transformation i could read the new testament because of Moses, it just sounded to much like myself. Later in life when i finally got around to Elijah the prophet i couldnt hardly read about him either. Each event that took place from Jesus was a life experience confirmed by the word of God in what to do. Not really any different than what you read about the things Jesus did. The story of Jesus is really the path, the righteous path from a example point of view. He followed his visions as he said its not what my father tells me to do, its what my father shows me to do, and when he found that place he did what he was shown. When Jesus got it right his father told him. So anyone seeking the truth in the same way does exactly the same thing except we dont need to die for our father in heaven but only serve him.
Since i had been changed to such a great degree i had problems with people because of how they acted, and really didnt want to put up with them, but in this world its crowded and there is no place to hide from them. But i finally understand now that it something i do for God because if i could get away then i would be doing the same things as they do, and what good would that do God? Since i live in this most shamful world almost unbearable to me i show God i strive to stay what he made me and not give into what the world thinks i am.
I had decided to make someone like myself so i wouldnt be so lonely, and i found a girl who was about eleven years old and thought she was not so corrupted that it might work. I told her i could prove God existed, and she only needed to think of something and God would tell me what it was. She had thought of her thought, and i struggled at first but then a faint wisper i heard and so faint it was i thought it was my own thoughts at first. I told her that she liked me because these were the words i heard, and she told me no, that wasnt it. So i asked her what she thought, and she said that i liked God. This startled me and i turned around to see if Jesus was there with me, but he was behind the viel still. I do not know what effect this had on her, as i never saw her again. But i figured that must of been why because it did have a effect on her. With older people over twenty one the child faith fades, as Jesus said we must be like one of them, meaning God is our father and we are always in child state having a dad.
Most people when they read the bible dont understand the full scope of the inspired word, they all believe that the bible was written by men inspired by God but they dont know anyone who is fully inspired or what it means to be inspired. Inspired means to strugle with the choices in life, but instead of doing what we think is right, we get help from God. We choose what we do, and God tells us if we get it right, and if we think the right thought about something he tells us its right but only if we seek his wisdom above anything else. Rightouse is right choice.
Its not that i couldnt transform someone else in this manner, its that God is jealous of who he cares about and where my attention goes. The ability to be transfored is a open mind and willingness to learn, if those things can not be there for whatever reason it wont happen. So in my search for others like myself isnt going to happen becaus they are to few, and are not living now. By the time the next one comes he will be reading about me. God must from time to time have those people who fully understand the bible, and live it within their own life by the same inspired word. This keeps the bible straight and whats tought about it right. Unless their is someone who has done this, you really dont know. Only they can tell you.
May God bless you, and keep you forever
Dear Mom
My dear mother,
Dear and beautiful, because I believe there isn’t a woman on this earth as beautiful as you. To me, you’re the only one who really worries, night and day, in knowing if I’m doing okay, with my body (if I’m eating right, and if I’m not sick) and with my mind, my soul (if I have a problem, or a preoccupation perhaps).
You are the only person in this world who I can really trust when I’m sad, my expectations, my biggest secrets, my happiest moments, because about you, to me, only good feelings arise. From you I don’t get asked to do things just to do them, there isn’t envy, no small feelings, only care, love, and understanding. That’s exactly why you are, and will always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me. Even when you are old, really old. My dear and beautiful mother, my adorable mommy, this short letter has one only objective: to leave registered all the love I have for you. I could’ve called to tell you I love you, but the wind takes the words, so I rather write you this letter, so you can read as many times as you want, every time you remember me. And there’s more, know that everything on this paper, is in my heart, wherever I go, or wherever I am.
Have a kiss from your son,
A love without limits blessed by God.
woman to love me for who I am
because I was simply a target for constant offers of sex and alcohol.
In July this year, I was just surfing the web and chatting to people online in general when I came across this one particular lady who really got my complete attention.
Her name is Carolyn and she is around 10 years older than I am but we live near one another and, even better, we feel the same love for each other.
Of course, every new and prosperous relationship does not come along without the problems that were there already and, in this case, the problem for us was tragic from a certain point of view.
I learned shortly after having met my loved one online
that her ex husband was sick and diagnosed as terminally ill.
What could I do? The same as
any other sincere and caring man would.. I was there for her and still am, supporting her through good and bad like
a genuine person that I am.
I was told recently that she wants to spend the rest of
her natural life with me once
she has recovered from the grief and upset which rules her heart right now and I am
still efforting to keep her filled with as much cheer and
warmth each day as I can do.
We both want to be together
with each other more than anything in the whole world and I feel that God has truly
blessed our relationship with a love so pure and untouched.
Carolyn is of the same heart
and personality as I am and she shares all my humour and loving tenderness in the way that I anticipated from she who I regard as my first real
and most profound loved one.
In the near future, we are making it our reality from dreams to have 2 beautiful children and to move away from
here and make a new life for ourselves elsewhere so keep posted to find out just how we go on with that!
As I close this story, I would like to give all who read this a big word of real encouragement in saying that there IS a real love out there
which can be found online as we have found out.
Just remember to take things
easy, give each other space and time until you are both ready, and things will work out good for you both, for love has no limitations.
Secretly falling.
to someone:
I'm writing this letter to explain to you how I feel. carolyn, I am starting to fall for you, and it is driving me crazy, because I can't seem to tell you how I really feel. I need to know where I stand in your life and if it could ever be more than what we are now. I'm starting to develop strong feelings towards you, and I don't know why. It wasn't supposed to be like this, but I got sprung! And it is you my heart's sprung on.
I love your eyes, your smile, your hair, your body, and your voice, damn that voice, it drives me off the wall. When I hear your voice my heart skips a beat. Damn, Baby girl, I am crazy about you.
I need to know how you feel about me. Could you possibly feel the same towards me, or this can never be. I just want you to be mine. I want to be able to say that you're my girl. Well, now you know that I am secretly falling in love with you. I just wish I could hear those same words from you. Maybe one day, but until then I guess all I can do is wait. Please, don't make me wait too long!
But first I have to get the courage to tell you how I feel. So until then, I love you!
Love always,
When to say I LOVE YOU!
The climax of just about every love story is that key moment when the object of affection looks longingly into the other’s eyes; their heart pounds so fast that it sends paralyzing jolts of euphoria throughout the body, and then they say those three little magic words… I love you. This scenario is maybe what we see in the movies, but it is also how we imagine it happening in real life. And, quite frankly how it really should be. Anything else is nothing short of a disappointment. So, how can you ensure that your first “I love yous” will play out like the scene you’ve always envisioned? Read on.
One of the most important things to know about saying I love you is that, from the receiver’s point of view, having someone tell you that they love you when the feelings aren’t reciprocated is a horrible feeling. All of a sudden, feelings of fear and a sense of obligation emerge. With this in mind, take the following advice to heart if you are the one saying the first, “I love you.” Even though being honest to yourself and others is of utmost importance, taking your partner’s feelings into consideration is an equally necessary component. We often tell ourselves we are experiencing true love when we feel lust, excitement and connection. In my opinion, time is the only sure way to decipher the true nature of your emotions.
It can often seem like we have a built in compulsion to fall or be in love. Sometimes I feel like I could, and do, fall in love every other week. For example, my latest love affair began with a long phone call and then four dates in one week. We both fell so hard for each other, that one day (during the second week), the words just slipped out of my mouth. He was so happy, he picked me up and twirled me around saying, “I love you too. I love you too.” The following month, we were on fire. Predictably, the month after was a little different. After spending every day together for a month, we got to know each other pretty well and there wasn’t anything left to talk about. Our dreams for the future were vastly different and as for our ideas of intellectually stimulating conversation, well…there weren’t any.
This left me in the predicament of forced “I love yous.” I found out that this wasn’t the kind of love that means, “I don’t ever want to imagine a day without kissing you and I’d do anything to ensure that I don’t.” You see, most people hear those words when you’re telling them that you love them. It’s what they want to hear, so they do. Hearing those words when you don’t reciprocate the feeling SUCKS! If you aren’t sure that what you're feeling is mutual or immutable, wait. It’s worth it. Hold your tongue until you’re sure to have a “movie moment.” The more anticipation you can build up, the better your moment. Pushing for this key moment will only cheapen it.
Imagine yourself marrying this person and then, ten years down the road, you’re reminiscing. “Oh, honey, do you remember the first time I said ‘I love you’?” How do you want that memory to be? I think some people treat the words so casually, that they forget soon after, but there are some who will forever keep the memory because they prevented prematurely saying, “I love you.”
New Here.
This is not my first time to write or create a blog, but this is my first time to blog using this site.
I'm planning to transfer all my blogs from multiply etc dito. So bear with me, mejo nangangapa pa ko. lolz. I'm looking forward na this will be my last blog site and i will give my heart and soul to this one.