Okay, I am going along in my walk, feeling ever so close to the Lord, being filled with the Spirit, just really joyous and happy where I am, facing my mountains, my Goliaths with joy and strength, feeling so strong in my faith. And what happens? The devil sneaks in and places a huge temptation in my path without me realizing it, or facing it. The Lord came heavy upon me last night with this very temptation and said I must remove it, unless I fall. Ouch! I don't want to remove it, because I like it. That if it were up to my flesh, I would leave it there and just say okay God, it's alright I can handle this one, don't worry I won't fall, it won't effect me. But I am simply lying to myself and God, because if He said to remove it, well, He knows better and He can see it as a stumbling block in my walk. So, today, I took the step of obedience to remove it even though it grieved my very heart. Some things are lawful but simply not profitable. And some of the things that can be a hindrance we really do like and it is hard to let go. This verse comes to mind:1 Co 10:12 Wherefore let him that think he stand take heed lest he fall. My buddy said this verse to me in regards to this particular temptation, and I told him oh don't worry, I am OK. But the Lord says "NO." It is hard to walk this walk at times, it is hard to heed the voice of the Lord all the time, but I must trust Him in this and I am learning slowly but surely that heeding His voice saves me much pain and grief, that when I obey immediately I am spared much. So the devil snuck in but I did not let him have his way with me, I am trusting in God and though I am heavy hearted today, I will walk tall, with the Lord leading me by His loving hand in mine. Praise Him!!!! RC
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