Chat was fun this morning. Its always fun to kick around with people who have, in all respects, become some of my very best friends. Sometimes we are just silly; sometimes we discuss Scripture, other times we pray together. We work through daily troubles together. We push each other along when the mountain seems steep. One thing is certain, we are friends...no...we are so much more than that!
There are those here on encm that I have come to have a deep respect for..those who's opinions and wisdom have gotten me through rough days. Ideas shared that really make me think. Points of view I never considered. Sometimes, though, its just good to share laughs. Lord knows, the world is easier to handle if you have laughter in your heart.
This morning I was thinking about how similar we all are- "we just regular folks". Each of us with a common thread..families, husbands, wives, jobs, bills, etc. Ordinary people.. doing extraordinary things. We are scattered all over the world, yet family. When someone shares that they stumbled, or is having difficulty or is struggling..there are no questions asked, no blame, we simply lift it up to God together. I think God must smile over the sort of love we have for one another.
So thank you to each of you.. Thank you GB for feeding the cat..and for being the best brother a sister could ever have. Thanks John for following an idea through..for creating a light in the deep dark web. This place is like home when Im not at home. It makes the day bearable. You guys are awesome!
Let me invite you to ENCM. Come get to know us...we arent exactly "normal", but guraranteed to make you laugh! Let us climb the mountain with you. We want to high five you when things go right. We'll give you "the look" when you're out of line. God has blessed us with a great xtian community. We invite each of you to pop in anytime and meet the rest of your family!
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