Remember God loves you this much.

Hello, all. Have you ever looked at the lost world around you? If you're like me, you probably have noticed most people seem anguished, angry, hateful, sad, anxious, in despair, among many other things.

What sets Christians apart is the fact, we know a little bit of the love, God has for us all. We know about one of the most famous verses in the Bible. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."--John 3:16. Let's meditate on the depth of this verse and others like it.

Nothing can surpass God's love. Satan's hate doesn't even come close! So, keep in mind of what His Son had to endure. First, Jesus left a perfect heaven with a perfect body to come down to a sin-filled earth in an imperfect human body that feels as much pain as ours do now. While on earth, He had to endure persecution, ridicule, torture, abandonment, and later, death, so He can fulfill God's love for us. Imagine that! He had the power to call down legions of angels to protect Him. He could have had the Romans who tortured and killed him, killed themselves by any kind of supernatural event. He had the power to just go to heaven and forget about it. However, he did not. Instead, He knew and in His heart wanted to do what His Heavenly Father wanted Him to do. Remember, when feeling alone and out of touch, that the Lord will NEVER abandon us.

Also, keep in mind, that when feeling bad, with each passing day, hour, minute, and yes, even second, we're that much closer to spending eternity with God. If that's not encouragement enough, then I don't know what is!


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